Do you Believe in God?

Friday 1 May 2009

Part III - 'The Truth' Vs Choice

Death of The Sun

The shortening of the days and the loss of crops symbolized death to the ancients; it was the death of the Sun.

On December 22nd the Sun’s demise is at its lowest. Here a curious thing occurs- The Sun, perceivably, stops moving south and remains in the same position for three days- December 22nd, 23rd and 24th.

During this time the Sun resides in the region on The Southern Cross – The constellation known as CRUX. After this time- the Sun moves one degree – This time north, foreshadowing longer days, warmth and spring.

And thus it was said – God’s Sun dies on the cross, dead for three days only to be resurrected or born again on December 25th. It’s the greatest mythological tale of the Sun’s transition period, before it moves back to the northern hemisphere- bringing spring and thus salvation.

However, they did not celebrate the resurrection of the Sun until the spring equinox or – Easter.

Let’s break this down and look at it in a different light, unbiased for just a few minutes.

The Easter Weekend starts on Good Friday. Let’s look at the Easter weekend in history from the website

On Good Friday, Christians remember the day when Jesus (The Sun) was crucified on a cross (CRUX).

Holy Saturday- This day was the Sabbath and the day which Jesus (The Sun) rested in the grave (In the Night Sky or ‘Heavens’).

Christians gather together on Easter Sunday for a Sunrise Service. This service takes place on a hill side so everyone can see the sun rise. Some churches have an Easter Garden. A stone is placed across the mouth of a tomb before Easter, and then rolled away on Easter morning (Three days of the Sun remaining stationary in the night sky).

Simnel cake is traditionally baked for tea on Easter.

Eleven balls of marzipan are placed around the top to represent the eleven true disciples (excluding Judas). – The Eleven astrological entities in our solar system revolving around the Sun in the centre (I’ll get to the 12 disciples connection in a later post)

‘God’s Sun’ Died on the cross, was dead for three days and thus- resurrected- bringing spring and salvation

Here’s an extract from an article on the website

History Of Easter

Easter is one of the most celebrated festivals of the modern Christian church. According to St.Bede, an English historian of the eighteenth century, Easter owes its origin to the old Teutonic mythology. The name Easter was originally derived from the word Eostre. Eostre was the ancient Greek goddess of spring (The Water Bearer). It was believed that every year, Eostre returned to Earth after a long, cold winter and brought along with her the light and warmth of Spring (Equinoox). Thus, ancient Greeks held pagan festivals to welcome Eostre and herald the onset of spring.

The Pagan festivals always coincided with the vernal Equinox on the 21st of March every year. Though the Greek were not fully cognizant of why and when spring comes, they believed Eostre must be pleased to ensure that she returns year after year. The festivals were lavish feasts that celebrated the booming of new flowers, the chirping of birds, butterflies, and sunshine and in general the feeling of rejuvenation that is inherent of spring.

The Christian church however, changed the Pagan festival from a celebration of spring to a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. In 325 A.D. the church also changed the date of the festival (This is how much control these people have, and you’re feeding into it). The festival was no longer held on the spring equinox. Instead, as per the Church Council of Nicaea henceforth it was to be held on the very first Sunday following the full moon on or after the vernal equinox. Thus, today Easter is celebrated on different dates every year and can occur as early as March 22nd or as late as April 25th.

Some people even believe that Easter is related to the Hebrew celebration, the Jewish Passover. Passover is celebrated to mark the freedom of the Israelis from bondage and slavery after 300 years. It was during Passover in 30 A.D. that Christ was crucified (CRUX) for being blasphemous. The resurrection happened three days later on what is today known as Easter Sunday. The early Christians, many of whom were raised as Jews considered the resurrection and Easter as a new part of pascha. Thus the early celebration of Passover came to be celebrated as Good Friday and Easter.

The word blasphemy is used to control thoughts by sending your subconscious mind subliminal messages, that enables the religion to use it as, again, a hypnotically suggestive tool to keep its adherence in check

The meaning of the word blasphemy is defined as:

Blasphemy is the disrespectful use of the name of one or more gods. It may include using sacred names as stress expletives without intention to pray or speak of sacred matters; it is also sometimes defined as language expressing disapproved beliefs, or disbelief. (Controlling what you believe in and keeping you in check- All with just one, simple word)


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